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Anti aging | Does eating pig trotters Fight aging?Women can do more to delay aging

When a woman reaches the age of 30, she may show signs of aging. If you look in the mirror, you will notice the appearance of color spots on her face, and there may be some wrinkles, so she may age obviously. As a result, many women actively combat aging in a variety of ways to keep themselves young. In the process of fighting against aging, the dietary regulation effect is obvious, choose some appropriate food to get nutrients, can make the aging rate slow. So, whether can the woman eat pig's feet to delay airframe senility? Many women believe that eating pig's feet is an effective way to fight to age. Because pig trotters contain collagen needed by the human body, this collagen is an important part of the skin, and obtaining enough collagen can achieve the effect of beauty and beauty, make the skin more delicate and smooth. In fact, eating pig feet does not have a good effect on delaying the aging of the body. Although pig trotters contain collagen, they are also rich in fat.

Anti aging | eat enough a day, economic health, you can also

Health sometimes is not great wisdom, but the life of small details. The most common food, if can insist to eat, the effect is also extraordinary. Wang Guowei, vice President of the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that eating three walnuts, four longans and five red dates every day is good for the body. Three walnuts strengthen the brain and nourish the lungs. "Walnuts are very valuable medicinally."Wang Guowei said the child eat walnut brain; Young and middle-aged, office workers pressure, eat some walnuts can relieve brain fatigue, reduce pressure; Walnuts can fight aging in the elderly. Professor Hong Zhaoguang, the chief health consultant of the Ministry of Health, said walnuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are effective in preventing atherosclerosis. Also, walnut contains zinc, manganese, chromium, and other essential trace elements of the human body, chromium has the function of promoting cholesterol metabolism and protecting c

Anti aging | Nine tips, delay aging, get twice the result with half the effort

Nine tips, delay aging, get twice the result with half the effort: 1. Don't eat too much. Eat healthily. Just 7*103 joules per day is enough to maintain normal cell activity. Pay attention to a balanced diet, often eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, meat, and other foods, to supplement brain nutrition, slow the brain aging process. Pay attention to a light diet, conducive to maintaining good health. 2. enough sleep, cool environment. Middle-aged and elderly people should learn to live a regular life, go to bed and get up at the same time, and ensure 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Living in a cool environment has an obvious effect on delaying aging. The room temperature when sleeping had better not exceed 17 degrees Celsius. The working and living environment should not be too high at ordinary times. 3. to adhere to exercise, dynamic and static combination. At present, most people reduce their physical activity by 30-50% by the age of 40, which is often the beginning of the bo

Anti aging | Scientists have discovered a new way to slow the aging process

Biologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, have discovered a gene that slows aging throughout the body by remotely activating it in key organ systems. The life scientists activated a gene called AMPK, which is a key energy sensor in the cell, according to a report on titled "Biologists Slow Aging by Remote Control."The gene is activated when the cell's energy levels drop. The study found that increasing the amount of AMPK in the fly's gut increased the life span of the flies by about 30 percent, and the flies were also healthier. David Walker, an associate professor of integrative biology and physiology at UCLA and senior author of the study, said the findings would have important implications for delaying aging and disease in humans. Prolonging a healthy human lifespan requires the body's many organ systems to be protected from aging -- but anti-aging treatments for the brain or other key organs are technically difficult, Walker said.

Hypertension | Do not take medicine, these 8 methods to let blood pressure drop

People's blood pressure is constantly changing, and so are people with high blood pressure. So when exactly is blood pressure likely to rise during the 24 hours a day? Are there any other ways to control elevated blood pressure besides relying on antihypertensive drugs? Which time blood pressure rises easily? Between 6am and 10am is the time of day when blood pressure is at its highest. During this time, people's blood pressure rises from relatively low levels for a short time to relatively high levels. Most people reach the peak of their blood pressure throughout the day. Therefore, the most important thing to control your blood pressure is to control your morning blood pressure. In addition to taking blood pressure medications to lower your blood pressure, here are 8 ways to control your blood pressure without drugs: 1. Lose excess weight and watch your waistline. Many people have high blood pressure caused by obesity, which means that blood pressure increases with weight gai

Diabetes | A healthy diet for diabetes

1. Luo Han Guo Huai Shan pig bone soup. Luo Han Guo: reduce phlegm to stop cough, clear lung, diabetes can take fruit, assist to reduce blood fat. Practice: chop after cleaning, soak with carving, or cooking wine for 20 minutes. After that, the cold water is put into the pot and the flying water is carried out. Boil for 10 minutes, remove and drain. Huai Shan peeled and cut into sections, ginger cut into pieces, Luo Han fruit wash, Chinese wolfberry soak with a little water. Make soup pot again, add enough water, water boil under the pig bone. Then put the Luo Han Guo, Huai Shan, ginger into the pot, bring to a boil over medium heat and turn to low fire for more than 3 hours. Add the wolfberry and salt and simmer for another 20 minutes. Tip: The spareribs are designed to remove purines from meat and reduce the risk of stroke. It is recommended that all meat cookers be treated with flying water. Bring to a boil with cold water for 10 minutes, then remove the meat and set aside. Luo Han

Diabetes | Why do people get diabetes? What kind of person gets diabetes easily?

And diabetes is like Pandora's box with more than 100 complications...Can lead to blindness, foot disability, kidney failure, and other serious consequences. You may be wondering:  A good person, how to get diabetes? It starts with blood sugar:  Cells, like humans, love a sweet bite, and sugar is their source of strength: And our intestines and stomach, like a sugar factory, turn all the raw materials we eat into glucose.  Glucose enters your blood vessels, becomes blood sugar, and begins to pass through your world. At the same time, 60 trillion starving cells, smelling the food, began ordering frantically: A group of delivery boys, calling, door-to-door delivery: These takeout guys are insulin: Without them, the cells starve: The excess blood sugar is sent to the liver by insulin and stored temporarily: When the liver has no place, blood sugar will be beaten by liver cells, turning into fat and kicking out the door: Insulin works very hard, never runs out of time, never loses the

Diabetes | Eat candy to be able to get diabetes more?causes of diabetes?

There are two types of urine disease, and we always talk about type 2 diabetes. At present, there are mainly several predisposing factors of type 2 diabetes: 1. Genetic factors. A lot of people think that type 1 diabetes is hereditary, but actually, type 2 diabetes is more heritable. People with a family history of diabetes need to take extra care. 2. Obesity. Obesity is a major single risk factor for diabetes and is associated with the distribution of body fat. Central obesity, also known as large bellies, is most associated with diabetes. And the correlation was stronger for men than for women. In other words, men with larger waistlines and larger bellies are the most dangerous signs of diabetes. 3. High-fat diet. There's a lot of research on this, and it's basically clear that high fat intake, especially high saturated fat intake, significantly increases the risk of diabetes. 4. Move less. Exercise is a great way to increase insulin sensitivity, which is to make insulin less

Diabetes|Foot care for diabetics

One of the problems with diabetes is that when there is a wound on the body, it doesn't heal easily. If this wound occurs on the foot and is not treated in time, the wound becomes infected or expands, it is diabetic foot. In most cases, diabetic foot is formed in this way. Of course, there are other conditions, such as toe vascular embolism, which are relatively easy to find due to the severity of the disease. What happens if diabetic foot forms and is not treated effectively? The obvious thing to think about is amputation, making life difficult. In fact, due to the patient makes every effort to save the limb, long-term deferment not infected necrotic tissue constantly release toxins, seriously affecting the heart, liver and kidney function, leading to these organs function failure, such as urine protein increased, insufficient liver albumin synthesis and cardiac function, and sudden death, such as can not get proper treatment, patients can survive an average of about 2 years. Ther

Diabetes prevention is better than cure!

November 14 is the United Nations Diabetes Day. This year's theme is "Diabetes Education and Prevention" and the slogan is "Protecting our future".Diabetes is a recognized enemy of health. Long-term hyperglycemia will damage multiple organs throughout the body, leading to dysfunction or failure, such as myocardial infarction (coronary heart disease), stroke, blindness, renal failure, etc. At present, our country has become the country with the largest number of diabetes patients in the world, with the total number of patients approaching 100 million and the prevalence rate as high as 9.7%. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of diabetes are of great urgency. People with pre-diabetes - not to be ignored. Looking at the course of disease development of patients with diabetes, to improve the quality of life and longer life expectancy, the significance of diabetes prevention is far more than treatment. Nearly 100 million people in other countries have been diagn

Hypertension | Which high blood pressure does not take medicine first

Many hypertensive patients are in the check-up, or when treating another disease, discover blood pressure by chance abnormal. After diagnosis, they often want to start medication immediately for fear that their condition will lead to serious cardiovascular problems. In fact, some high blood pressure actually need not rush to take antihypertensive medicine. First of all, the patient needs to make it clear that he or she meets three conditions. Only a slight increase in blood pressure (140/90 MMHG ≤ actual blood pressure < 160/100 MMHG) was detected for the first time. There are less than 2 risk factors, specifically: male > is 55 years old, female > is 65 years old; Smoking or passive smoking; Impaired glucose tolerance (often prediabetes); Dyslipidemia; A family history of early cardiovascular disease; Central obesity (abdominal fullness). The following complications did not occur: ultrasonography showed left ventricular hypertrophy; Carotid atherosclerotic plaque; Increased m

Hypertension | You can keep your blood pressure stable by eating these kinds of things

  Don’t take medicine stupidly for high blood pressure. You can keep your blood pressure stable by eating these kinds of things Hypertension has a nickname "Silent Killer", so why is it called that? There are about 1.4 billion hypertensive patients in the world, and there are about 300 million hypertensive patients in my country alone. Almost one in four Chinese people have hypertension. But even so, the number of patients suffering from hypertension in my country is still on the rise. From the elderly to the infants, to countless young and middle-aged people, are suffering from hypertension. In fact, for both men and women, young and old, hypertension is already pervasive. No age group or group is immune to the large number of people affected. With so many hypertensive patients in the world, tens of millions of people die every year from the complications caused by hypertension. Among the common complications of hypertension, the most common ones are coronary heart disease,

High blood pressure | Is hypertension serious after all?

High blood pressure without symptoms is even scarier! In recent years, the incidence of high blood pressure has increased so much that it can be said that high blood pressure is a very common problem that we often see in our daily life. And because hypertension is becoming more common, many people are starting to ask the question: Is high blood pressure serious or not? Although high blood pressure has become a very common problem now, it does not mean that it is not serious. High blood pressure is also called a "silent disease" and "invisible killer". Its horror lies not in its own symptoms, but in the series of complications caused by it. What's really scary about high blood pressure is that it can literally ravage your body and damage your heart without you even realizing it. In another country, 265 million people suffer from hypertension, and the incidence of hypertension among people over the age of 18 is as high as 25.3 percent. And according to the statis

Hypertension continues to rise, will walk on 3 "no return road"!Be prepared!

  High blood pressure is an invisible bomb buried in the body, and sustained high blood pressure is the trigger, causing varying degrees of damage to the brain, heart, and arteries, and even the loss of precious lives due to heart failure. Patients with high blood pressure, if left alone, often bring three harms. Which 3 paths of no return can persistent blood pressure increase walk on? 1. Cerebral hemorrhage. Cerebral hemorrhage is a common and critical complication of hypertension, which can lead to death without timely treatment. Persistent high blood pressure can act directly on small artery vessels in the brain, easy to cause micro-aneurysms, but also damage the intima, make fat deposition, reduce vascular elasticity, thereby leading to cerebral arteriosclerosis or stenosis or blockage, vascular wall gradually fragile. Blood pressure fluctuation is too large, the body is overtired, the body is in a tight state for a long time, forced defecation, improper use of antihypertensive dr

Hypertension health education, health knowledge(3)

Increase your potassium intake. The potassium sodium ion is to promote human body blood pressure to rise, is actually the "stabilizer" of blood pressure, it can direct expansion of small artery, reduce the peripheral vascular resistance, increase the excretion of water and sodium, inhibit angiotensin enzyme and angiotensin secretion, reduce the secretion of adrenaline, stimulate the activity of na/k pump and so on, reduce the proportion of sodium and potassium in the food, to prevent blood pressure to rise very to have certain benefits. Daily health care for hypertension. Get up slowly. Wake up in the morning, should lie supine on the bed above all 3 minutes, stretch next stretch, move the limb, make limb muscle and blood-vessel smooth muscle restore proper tension, sit up slowly again, move an upper limb for a few times, just can get out of bed activity. Wash with warm water. Water that is too hot or too cold can irritate skin receptors and cause constriction in surrounding

Hypertension health education, health knowledge(2)

Learn to check your blood pressure. The environment is quiet and the temperature is appropriate. Coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages should be avoided within 30 minutes, and pay attention to mental relaxation. Take a quiet rest for at least 5 minutes and sit, preferably in a chair. (Measure before you get up in the morning.  Should be in the supine position) Elbow and upper arm at the same level as the heart. Upload measurement results in time for communication with doctors. The significance of blood pressure at each time period. Just wake up from 6 am to 6 am, before getting up, this time point can reflect the day's blood pressure peak, the highest value. Monitoring blood pressure at 10 am can reflect changes in blood pressure after taking medication. Blood pressure monitoring from 3 to 2 to 3 o 'clock in the afternoon can reflect the rebound of blood pressure. After taking medication, the blood pressure of patients with hypertension can basically remain stable in the mornin

Hypertension health education, health knowledge(1)

What is hypertension? Hypertension is a clinical syndrome characterized by increased systemic arterial pressure, which is often accompanied by systemic diseases with functional or organic changes of the heart, brain, kidney, and retina. What are the causes of hypertension? Here refers to the high blood pressure of essential hypertension, the etiology is not clear, now think of primary hypertension with genetic, smoking, alcohol consumption, taken excessive salt, overweight, mental stress, lack of exercise and other factors, systemic arterial pressure increases as the main performance of the cardiovascular syndrome, account for more than 90% of all hypertensive patients. Why should hypertension be managed throughout the whole process? The health management of hypertension in the whole process can guide the monitoring of blood pressure at the right time, taking medicine at the right time, exercising at the right time, choosing the right diet, the harm of hypertension and the prevention o