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Obesity in children is more harmful

1. Affecting growth and development Children are in the most vigorous period of growth and development.  The bone path contains a large proportion of organic matter, and it is easy to bend and deform under force. Obese children who have too much weight will increase the burden on the lower limbs, especially the supporting joints of the lower limbs. Long-term overload of the lower limbs can easily cause arched legs and flat feet. 2. Influencing the development of intelligence.  Experiments by medical experts have proved that the excessive amount of fat in the brain tissue is easy to form an "obese brain". "Obese brain" has slow thinking and poor memory, which will seriously affect the development of children's intelligence. As children are obese and their body surface area increases, the blood is insufficiently oxygenated and the brain is often in a state of hypoxia. Obese children are often sleepy and often have difficulty concentrating in class. Children with s

How to treat obesity hypertension

A survey by epidemiologists shows that nearly 50% of obese patients have high blood pressure at the same time. Compared with people of normal weight, obese people are on average 2 to 3 times more likely to suffer from hypertension. When obesity and hypertension coexist, the two "killers" cause severe cardiovascular and kidney damage to a large number of patients, which has become a serious threat to human health in modern society and even later. Why obese people are prone to hypertension The formation of hypertension in obese people is different from essential hypertension and renal hypertension. Most researchers believe that due to the large increase in fat tissue of obese people, the expansion of the vascular bed, and the relative increase in blood circulation, under the condition of normal heart rate, the stroke volume will increase a lot, long-term overweight, left heart hypertrophy, High blood pressure. It should be noted that when measuring blood pressure for obese peop

Hypertension | Obesity can also cause high blood pressure? Pay attention to these 2 points suppress high blood pressure

Obesity can also cause high blood pressure? If you want to suppress high blood pressure, you have to pay attention to these 2 points. It is understood that more and more people have developed hypertension. Hypertension is a common chronic disease. During its development, human blood pressure rises abnormally. If blood pressure is not controlled reasonably in time, blood vessels will often be damaged and vascular aging will occur. Some obese people also have high blood pressure. Therefore, after finding high blood pressure, it is necessary to take reasonable measures to control the condition. Can't help but ask, can obesity-induced hypertension reduce blood pressure through weight loss? Under normal circumstances, high blood pressure caused by obesity can be reduced by weight loss in a reasonable way, which is beneficial to the control of high blood pressure. Because in the case of excessive obesity, the burden on the body increases and the blood lipid concentration rises, which eas

Obesity | Causes of childhood obesity

Eating habits:  The most prominent cause of childhood obesity is unreasonable eating habits. Many children with childhood obesity like to eat high-calorie foods and sweets, often snacks, and skip breakfast. According to the survey, the probability of obesity by eating breakfast only once a week is 18.6%, and the probability of obesity by eating breakfast every day is 11.8%. Lifestyle:  I don’t like exercise, watch TV often, and like to lie still after eating, these are also the reasons for childhood obesity. According to the survey, every additional hour of TV watching increases the probability of obesity by 1.5%. Endocrine disorders:  Although growth hormone deficiency, thyroid hormone deficiency, and excessive cortisol are rare in obese children and adolescents, these diseases are characterized by decreased energy consumption and decreased growth, which causes slow growth in short stature children. Central obesity. Drugs:  Long-term high-dose glucocorticoid therapy has a special form

Obesity | The dangers of childhood obesity

High blood lipids:  Obese children have significantly higher blood lipids than normal children. Hypertension:  Because of the increase in body size of obese children, the total metabolism and body oxygen consumption increase, which significantly increases the burden on the heart and increases blood pressure. Hyperinsulinemia:  Hyperinsulinemia is common in obese children. Fatty liver:  The incidence of fatty liver in severely obese children is as high as 80%. Child obesity is an important factor in inducing fatty liver. Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are dangerous signs of fatty liver in obese children. Respiratory diseases:  Obese children have fat accumulation on the chest wall, compression of the thoracic cage, and restricted expansion, which affects lung ventilation function, reduces the resistance of the respiratory tract and is susceptible to respiratory diseases. Digestive system diseases:  The prevalence of digestive system diseases in obese children is 15%, which is significa

Obesity | What to do with childhood obesity

1. Cultivate children to develop good eating habits, train children to eat regularly from childhood, start three meals a day from elementary school, do not add meals between classes, do not allow children to eat snacks, encourage regular meals. For children who love to eat snacks or skip breakfast, mothers pay special attention to them and quickly get rid of bad habits. Skipping breakfast is one of the causes of obesity. 2. Increase physical activity and give children time and space to play. Young children should not be closed indoors. If possible, go outdoors. You can bring older children to do morning exercises. Let the children participate in group games with children and cultivate labor from an early age. Habits, encourage housework, limit the time spent watching TV, cultivate an interest in a variety of entertainment activities, help children develop optimism, good living habits and regular schedules, etc., which are very helpful in preventing high blood pressure. 3. Reject nouris

Obesity | What is intractable obesity

Some girls always say that they are losing weight, but they can't reduce it. They all attribute the cause of obstinate obesity. What exactly is obesity? I believe many people don't understand this very well, so let's take a look. Stubborn obesity, in layman's terms, means that you can't reduce it no matter how you lose it, that is, through various methods, such as drugs, massage, and other methods, but your own weight still has not changed significantly. In fact, there are many reasons for intractable obesity, including stress, endocrine problems, mental stimulation, etc. Intractable obesity can be divided into three categories, including laziness, gluttony, and constipation. Lazy type refers to eating a lot, and not exercising too much, and not loving exercise. There are excess calories and there is no way to metabolize them in time. In this case, you need to find a balance between eating and digestion, otherwise, you want to lose weight Very difficult, the key ste

Lose weight | Weight loss methods for obstinate obesity

There are many types of obesity, among which obesity is the hardest to lose weight. Next, I will share with you some stubborn obesity methods to lose weight. After stubborn obesity, you must exercise if you want to lose weight. You can walk after dinner every day and walk briskly for at least half an hour to consume excess calories. However, it is not advisable to exercise immediately after a meal. You can rest for half an hour before doing so so that weight loss is more effective than running. The diet should also be controlled, without excessive dieting, but several aspects must be paid attention to. First of all, breakfast must be eaten, otherwise, the stomach and intestines will absorb more calories during lunch. Don't eat too little at noon, and eat as little as possible at dinner. In one day's diet, cut down on meat and avoid sweets and greasy foods. When eating, slow down and chew more food in your mouth to eat up to 80% full. Losing weight is a long-term thing, and it i

Childhood obesity | What you need to know about childhood obesity

Causes of obesity When you find that your child’s weight is increasing, do you start to worry about your child’s health? If the weight rises in this way, it will not only affect the appearance of the child but also have a great impact on their normal development. So, what are the causes of obesity in children? Is it just because of excess nutrition? The causes of obesity are: 1. Excessive heat and nutrient intake Children's heat and overnutrition will be affected by family factors, social factors, and children's poor eating habits. Families buy a lot of food, which creates conditions for children to eat easily and casually. The food provided by the family has an unreasonable structure, which is characterized by high calorie, high fat, high protein, and low dietary fiber. Some families use unreasonable cooking methods. They prefer to use deep-frying, less steaming, and too much oil and water. On the social front, TV food advertisements are being promoted day by day, leaving an i

Childhood obesity | What is obesity?

What is obesity? Has your child's weight increased recently? Compared with children of the same age, are your children different in weight? If you find that your child is significantly heavier than children of the same age, parents should pay attention to it. Your child may be obese. What exactly is obesity? Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease caused by a variety of factors. It is characterized by an abnormal increase in the percentage of body weight caused by an increase in the volume and cell number of fat cells in the body and excessive deposition of fat in certain areas. Simple obesity patients have relatively uniform body fat distribution, no endocrine disorders, and no metabolic disorders. Their families often have a history of obesity. For obesity, there are many factors, including genetic factors, social environmental factors, and some psychological factors. If you don't pay attention to exercise, it may also lead to obesity. If the child suffers from obesity, parent

Obesity | Obese people should be on guard for high blood pressure!

Mr. Li, 28, suffered from high blood pressure for years, but it was not taken seriously, so much so that he suffered from cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure. As his weight soared to 175 kilograms, his blood pressure often exceeded 200 MMHG. Not long ago, Mr. Li underwent surgery to reduce his weight. Strangely, his blood pressure was close to normal by the time he left the hospital. Did metabolic surgery cure hypertension unexpectedly?! 1.blood pressure returned to normal in 70% of patients. Obesity is often accompanied by metabolic syndrome, which includes hypertension. In 1995 Pories, an American doctor discovered that patients who had weight-loss surgery were also cured of diabetes. Later gradually found that weight loss surgery is not only effective for diabetes, but obesity combined with polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, and hypertension also have a significant therapeutic effect. The study reported that more than 70% of obese patients with high blood pressure we

Obesity | Popular Science on Obesity

To give yourself and everyone a little motivation to lose weight, today to summarize the fat will bring us the disease. 1. Heart disease and stroke. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol, two risk factors for heart disease and stroke. 2. Diabetes. Obesity affects the way the body USES insulin to control blood sugar, increasing the risk of insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. 3. Malignant tumor. Obesity not only increases the risk of breast cancer but also increases the risk of malignant tumors in the uterus, cervix, endometrium, ovaries, colon, rectum, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, and prostate. 4. Diseases of the digestive system. Obesity can lead to heartburn, gallbladder (gallbladder stones, for example), and liver disease (fatty liver). 5. Diseases of the reproductive system. For women, obesity can lead to infertility and irregular periods; In men, obesity can lead to sexual problems. 6. Sleep problems. Obesity can lead to sleep apnea s

Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome

So what are the standards for obesity?  Asian guidelines: BMI is normal at 18.5-22.9, BMI≧23 is overweight, and BMI≧30 is obese. For specific measurement methods, you can refer to some apps, or prepare a body fat scale at home to record body weight, body fat, and BMI. I won’t go into details here. What are the causes of obesity?  1. Genetic factors;  2. Social environment factors;  3. Psychological factors;  4. Sports factors. The adverse effects caused by obesity itself not only affect the appearance, but the complications caused by long-term obesity are far more serious than we think, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke caused by high blood pressure/high blood fat), fat Liver, diabetes, and certain cancers (including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney and colon), for women of childbearing age, the most important hazard is-may affect fertility. Here we mainly talk about obese polycystic ovary syndrome. Po

Lose weight | Why is fat not afraid of cold in winter?

Winter is here, and winter comes so quietly with the north wind. In the northern sleeve-like weather, people also began to wear thick cotton clothes to resist the cold. Everyone wears thick cotton-padded clothes to resist the cold, but they find that some people are still wearing thin coats. The common characteristics of these people are very fat. Many people say that a fat person is generally not afraid of cold and tend to feel hot. Are fat people not afraid of the cold? Is fat really not afraid of the cold? Fat has the effect of insulation and heat preservation, you can understand it as your most intimate "clothes." This "clothing" can help you reduce heat loss. Many articles on the Internet mention that "brown fat" can break down white fat that causes obesity in the body, convert it into heat, and generate heat. In fact, scientific research has found that "brown fat" has the highest content in human infancy, and adults have very little "b

Lose weight | Vegetarian weight loss: nutrition and shape a lot

There are many different ways to lose weight in your life, and the vegetarian diet is one of them. A lot of people will give priority to a vegetarian diet to lose weight, but referring to the family members are also fat, a simple vegetarian diet without attention to nutrition collocation actually has a very weak effect on weight loss, and even easy to cause malnutrition. So what mistakes are there in the process of using a vegetarian diet? Below introduce the mistake area that a vegetarian diet reduces weight to everybody, for everybody reference. 1. Unlimited consumption of processed foods. Many vegetarians believe that as long as there is no animal-based ingredient, processed or not, the food has high nutritional value and is more suitable for weight loss. In fact, many processed foods are made from natural ingredients, but most of them are produced using white rice and white flour, reducing important dietary fiber, and adding a lot of oil, sugar, or salt. It is not a substitute for

Reducing heavy operation | How long can you consider to be pregnant after reducing heavy operation? What tests need to be done?

  According to research reports, weight loss is most obvious in patients 12 to 18 months after the operation of heavyweight loss, and the incidence of postoperative nutritional and endocrine complications is relatively high and serious in this period. To avoid the occurrence of low fetal weight and deformity due to malnutrition after pregnancy, some experts suggest that pregnancy should be considered after 12 to 18 months after the operation. Some scholars compared the pregnancy outcomes within 12 months after weight-loss surgery and 12 to 18 months after surgery, and the difference was not significant. However, due to the small amount of research data, there is no clear regulation on the time of conception after weight-loss surgery, but most believe that it is safer to consider conception after 12-18 months after surgery to reduce the risk of nutritional deficiency to the mother and fetus. There are various surgical methods for weight loss surgery, and the planned pregnancy time after

Obesity | Diet exercise is useless? How to lose weight in severe obesity?

  Many people secretly classify heights. A few years ago, there was ridicule calling men whose height is less than 1.7 meters "height disability". Obesity is an attribute that is more vulnerable in addition to height. The "big fat people" and "fat homes" in many populations are not enough to reflect the specific situation of obesity. There is a formula for measuring obesity internationally, and the body mass index (BMI) is used to determine which level of obesity belongs to. The formula is the weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m). A BMI of 18.5-23.99 belongs to the normal weight defined by the medical profession, 24-28 is overweight, 28-32 is obese, and greater than 32 is severely obese. Generally, women's BMI between 21-28 will have the idea of ​​losing weight, and people who are really obese don't dare to call weight loss easily, because weight loss is not an easy task for them. The increase in health awareness has led to more and more

Obesity | The cold winter is coming, the fat of the fat man is not as good as the muscle to keep out the cold?

  The thick layer of fat on fat friends becomes the envy of everyone every winter. In fact, can fat really resist the cold winter? Observing the fat people around, it seems that they don't wear many clothes no matter how cold it is. It seems that fat is really good for keeping out the cold. In fact, many fat friends can't wear clothes with three layers inside and outside three layers, and their weight will increase by a few dozen jins visually. So what kind of body is the coldest resistant? The human body's cold tolerance is composed of many factors. Natural physique, exercise habits, diet structure, energy expenditure, environmental adaptability, whether it is affected by drug factors, etc., will affect a person's ability to withstand cold. Traditional Chinese medicine likes to pay attention to the smooth flow of qi and blood. People with sufficient qi and blood are generally less afraid of the cold. People with a deficiency of qi and blood have cold hands and feet in

Lose weight | Does anyone really lose weight no matter how they eat?

  Actually, no one can't really eat fat. As long as his energy intake exceeds the body's consumption, excess energy will become body fat. So if a person doesn’t eat fat, there are only two possibilities. One is that he doesn’t eat too much, and he usually exercises restraint, but occasionally indulges himself. The other is that he consumes a lot, just like many manual workers. Although they have a lot of appetites, they usually consume more work, so they generally don't get fat. In addition to these, there is another kind of people with relatively weak absorptive capacity. The energy that the body obtains from food depends on how much energy it can absorb, not how much energy the body can get from the amount of energy it eats. Those with weaker absorption capacity eat the same amount of food, and they get less energy than normal people. A lot, so it is generally not easy to get fat. Many factors cause obesity, such as genetics, work, physical fitness, etc., not all people t

Lose weight | Are certain "partial" exercises such as thin legs, thin stomachs, etc. correct?

I personally believe that the statement of partial exercise to lose weight is correct to some extent, but it will not achieve the fundamental bodyweight loss effect. Partial exercise is also exercise, which also consumes calories, which can help local weight loss to a certain extent. When performing local exercises, in fact, the temperature of this part will increase, blood flow will increase, and local fat will be consumed, which has a certain partial weight loss effect and improves local beauty. It is generally recommended that adults take an effective aerobic plan, which will greatly help the whole body lose weight and improve physical function: exercise at least 30 minutes a day, at least 3-5 times a week; including running, swimming, push-ups, pull-ups Wait. Regular exercise can promote fat burning, strengthen strength and cardiorespiratory function, improve immunity, improve health, delay aging, and relieve physical and mental stress.